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Casa Girola


Milan, Italy

Casa Girola
  • Indoor


Milan, Italy


Progetto CMR


Andrea Martiradonna



Casa Girola

The rebirth of a historic building

Casa Girola is one of Milan's historic buildings, built at the end of the 19th century as the headquarters of the building company of the same name, then restored by Piero Portaluppi between 1910 and 1932, and now reborn thanks to an accurate redevelopment project by studio Progetto CMR with the aim of giving it new life, introducing those elements of lightness, fluidity and elegance typical of modern and contemporary style, while maintaining the strong link with its past. The result is a dynamic and fluid continuum between the different environments, perceptible right from the entrance of the building where, thanks to the large windows of the main courtyard, it is possible to appreciate the depth and the succession of large spaces such as the gallery and the informal and flexible areas characterised by the presence of ethereal elements and green walls.

Hi-res images

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Light Sculpture

The restoration work, which involved the entire building and its interiors, occupied by the tenant Banca Immobiliare, involved the careful use of noble materials in innovative forms. Historicity and modernity go hand in hand, in pursuit of a contemporary style that dialogues with the past. From the entrance on Via Broletto, a white ribbon with golden edges runs through the entrance hall, releasing itself into the main courtyard in the form of a light sculpture projected towards the sky. And it is light that is one of the key elements on which the redevelopment has played. Alongside the natural light, in fact, the Linea Light Group team was called upon to realise a lighting design with great attention to detail that, through the use of various professional solutions, would best emphasise the final result. Outside, for example, Rubber 2D LED strips were used to emphasise the stringcourses of the courtyard. They are very flexible and can guarantee uniform light along the entire length, even at the junction points. Inside the building, immediately at the entrance, the PU_C LED strip found a place, while, continuing along the stairs and corridors, ceiling-mounted Pools were installed, with a minimal and rigorous design ideal for comfortable and diffuse lighting, and downlights from the Cob family, characterised by their small size, efficient performance and great ease of installation. Finally, in offices, for desk lighting, a double Rollip 70 mc 4.5 metres long with a special single multi-filter diffuser with uniform and continuous emission along the entire structure of the luminaire. The result is also in this case a homogeneous light, suitable for office areas, which ensures high visual comfort even in the presence of terminals and devices typical of workplaces.
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Redevelopment in the heart of the fashion capital

The real protagonist of the lighting project designed to enhance the redevelopment is undoubtedly the Tour pendant, very scenic and able to guarantee diffuse and uniform light throughout the environment where it is installed, so much so that it has been used in its various versions in different areas: from the meeting room on the top floor of the building, near the terrace, on the floor below, and finally also in the basement. Outside, however, in the main courtyard, a fully customised 'Maxi' Tour, a true light sculpture projected towards the sky. Specially designed and realised by the Linea Light Group team based on an idea of Progetto CMR, the Tour "Maxi" not only blends in perfectly with the context in which it has been inserted, but also enhances and highlights it to perfection. Supported with special cables to a central metal rosette, and secured against the wind, the Tour "Maxi" consists of 2 suspensions of 4.80 metres in diameter intertwined with 2 other suspensions of 3.20 metres, with internal emission from outdoors. The scenographic effect, both during the day and in the evening hours, is assured.

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The products used

PU_C Plus

PU_C Plus





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